
jueves, 27 de marzo de 2014

Noticias_lo que esta pasando en Colorado USA

Por Naomí / Imagen
Gracias a nuestros seguidores desde Los Ángeles, California USA por postear esta noticia y quererla compartir con nosotros.
Especiales cariños a la familia Lermanda que son nuestros fieles seguidores y difunden cada día nuestras notas para poder ayudar a otras personas. Existe una gran comunidad Latinoamericana leyéndonos en el exterior.
La Noticia:
A Colorado third-grader whose freshly shaved head violated her school’s dress code will be granted a waiver from the policy because of extraordinary circumstances — the fact that she cut off her hair to empathize with a cancer-stricken friend.After a closed-door discussion, the board of directors for Caprock Academy in Grand Junction said they voted 3-1 Tuesday night to exempt Kamryn Renfro from the no-shaved-heads rule.
“Compassion and selfless acts of courage are to be commended and encouraged — in children and in adults,” the board said in a statement after announcing the decision. “And we apologize that our policies and following our process for exceptions to those policies has, in any way, suggested that supporting anyone’s but particularly a child’s, brave fight against cancer is anything less than an extraordinary cause worthy of our highest regard.”
The case of 9-year-old Kamryn attracted nationwide attention this week after her mother, Jamie, announced on social media that the charter school told her to keep Kamryn away until her hair grew back.

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